About the Journal

CLAWS Journal is the flagship journal of the Centre for Land Warfare Studies. It is a peer-reviewed journal and is published bi-annually under Summer and Winter Issues.

The scholarly journal covers all aspects of India’s national security, regional and global security, warfighting concepts, doctrine and military strategy, and defence technology acquisition.

Aims and Scope of the Journal

CLAWS Journal is an English language Journal edited in India that provides exclusive information on issues of security, strategy, and military affairs pertaining to the globe at large, and India in particular.

The aim of the Journal is to promote an informed discourse among national and international scholars, government, and security professionals concerning the complexity and emerging challenges to the constantly changing global security environment.

CLAWS Journal provides in-depth analyses and comprehensive understanding in the form of research articles, and commentaries. In addition, the Journal also contains a Book Review section.

The Journal's inter-disciplinary approach includes political science, international relations, area studies, military studies, and other social sciences. 


DISCLAIMER: The contents of this Journal are based on the analysis of materials accessed from open and public sources and are the personal views of the author. The contents, therefore, may not be quoted or cited as representing the views or policy of the Government of India, the Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), and/or the Centre for Land Warfare Studies.


Printed & Distributed by KW PublishersNew Delhi, India. 

Digitally Published by IndraStra Global e-Journal Hosting Services, New York, USA